Daniel ‘Brokermandan’ Levi’s exposure as a
former armed robber who spent 16 years in maximum security prisons, raises inevitable
and pressing doubts about his business associates - primarily the apparent
ringleaders of their short-selling game, self-proclaimed "Sheriff of AIM" Tom Winnifrith and infamous short-seller Simon Cawkwell.
Levi (former name David J Hopkins) has been
closely associated with both Cawkwell and Winnifrith for some years, each
backing up the opinions of the other on controversies such as Sefton and
Levi’s links with Cawkwell are broadly circumstantial:
they move in the same circles, appear at the same events - ShareProphets
seminars and UK investor shows - and share many of the same friends and
business associates.
Levi has been prone to describing Cawkwell
(as well as other members of the group) in the warmest of terms: “Lucian
Miers & Simon Cawkwell both are people that have their fingers on the
financial pulse and can pull the trigger in any discourse. When they
speak people take notice for one reason and one reason only. More
often than not they are invariably right on how a company or a market
will go.”
He was even closer to Winnifrith, who might
be regarded in some ways as his former mentor. In August 2014, for instance, all
was sweetness and light between the two of them; in an article headed “In
Defence of Tom Winnifrith”, Levi wrote: “Tom Winnifrith is a good man to have
in the trenches with you. He is as solid as a rock…the abuse this man is taking
is despicable. It comes from people of low morality…It is people like Tom
Winnifrith who have championed the truth against all the odds and all the
abuse, Winnifrith has yet again proven to be an invaluable source for truth and
integrity.” (http://guerillainvesting.co.uk/2014/08/10/in-defence-of-tom-winnifrith/)
By October 2014, the relationship had
become tarnished after Winnifrith questioned the validity of a Levi ‘scoop’
about UK Oil & Gas (revealing a discovery which sent the shares briefly
soaring before everyone found out it was not commercially viable), which was
said to have similar qualities to a typical ‘pump-and-dump’ operation.
Levi appears to have been genuinely hurt
that his mentor had turned on him but his criticism was measured: “In the main
TW talks sense but on the actual scoop we got, he talks absolute shite.” His
ire was also directed at Ben Turney, another financial journalist who questioned
the validity of the scoop(Turney is co-author of The Times’ exposé on Levi –
proving that what goes around comes around).
By May 11, 2015, real bitterness had set in: “What
an absolute cock Tom Winnifrith is,” wrote Levi. “The self righteous hypocrite
the man who has taken £100’s of thousands of pounds from London listed
companies…He’s a hypocrite of the lowest order. A ramper or a deramper, a
gun for hire who flip flops more times than an Asian flip
flopping his way through the slums of Karachi…He is quite literally a double
dealing nauseating bullshitter.” (http://guerillainvesting.co.uk/2015/05/11/tom-winnifrith-crony-capitalist-flip-flopper/)
On May 13 Levi published another rambling rant which observed of Winnifrith and Turney: "Two bare faced Bullshitters now having to reunite in an unholy alliance fighting a rear guard action against myself. Pathetic." (http://guerillainvesting.co.uk/2015/05/13/shareprophets-ben-turney-gotcha/)
On May 13 Levi published another rambling rant which observed of Winnifrith and Turney: "Two bare faced Bullshitters now having to reunite in an unholy alliance fighting a rear guard action against myself. Pathetic." (http://guerillainvesting.co.uk/2015/05/13/shareprophets-ben-turney-gotcha/)
Less than two weeks later, things had
worsened. Describing events at New World Oil & Gas, Levi told followers: “You
the share-holders get screwed. Who makes all the money? Those who ran the
squeeze and dumped the stock. I directly accuse shareProfitsWinnifrith and
‘safehouse’ Turney of Market Abuse.I expose the lies and deceits perpetrated by
shareProfits, the witless Ben ‘safehouse’ Turney and hypocrite crony
capitalist Tom Winnifrith.”
All this bile has value: if Levi and
Winnifrith were close associates until one dog finally bit the other, one may
assume that Levi’s description of Winnifrith’s modus operandi has more than a
modicum of truth to it.
When the The Times’ story broke on July 27
2015, Winnifrith had the chance to savage Levi. He didn’t. In an article for
ShareProphets, he wrote: “You might expect me to slate Dan or David John
Hopkins as he was born as we have had a number of pretty severe differences in
recent months. I do not think this is as simple as that. For starters we were
friends, comrades in the struggle against evil JimmyliarEllerton and there is
good in the man (Levi not Ellerton). I am not going to forget that and whatever
happens now or happened in the past I shall not forget that.”
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