Monday, 27 July 2015

Dan and Tom: the story of the armed robber and the "sheriff"

Daniel ‘Brokermandan’ Levi’s exposure as a former armed robber who spent 16 years in maximum security prisons, raises inevitable and pressing doubts about his business associates - primarily the apparent ringleaders of their short-selling game, self-proclaimed "Sheriff of AIM" Tom Winnifrith and infamous short-seller Simon Cawkwell.

The Times on the money yet again with startling expose of Winnifrith's long-time associate BrokermanDaniel

This extraordinary story contains information which appears to contradict our own investigation (see above tab) of the background of  'Daniel Levi'. One explanation is that our investigators simply got it wrong when they found that his real name is James Moloney. The alternative is that, in his attempts to hide his background, he has over the years changed his name more than once. 
The armed robber who rode into the Wild West

Tuesday, 14 July 2015

The Times explains how short sellers abuse markets

The Times describes how the Financial Conduct Authority is starting to intervene to prevent share values and the companies behind them being destroyed by market manipulation for short term profit.
Markets are caught short by traders’ wrong information
July 13 2015
Traders who deal in shares they do not own are running the risk of creating false markets at a time when indices are already unusually volatile.
Short-sellers are issuing incorrect information about their holdings to the City regulator and those positions are making their way into rival dealers’ trading terminals unchecked.